Everyone gets into the network marketing business to earn money. Many have found great success and made fortunes through multi-level marketing and the effective use of MLM software. Here we have compiled a list of the top 20 earners in the industry. You can find their monthly estimate, yearly estimate, and the MLM Company in which they are currently involved.
Si.No | Name of the MLM Earner | Company Name | Annual Estimate | Lifetime Estimate |
1 | Omar Salazar | XIFRA | $ 19,200,000 | $ 12,000,000 |
2 | Ivan & Monika Tapia | IM Master Academy | $ 18,000,000 | $ 45,000,000 |
3 | Sergio Penunuri | XIFRA | $ 17,040,000 | $ 1,200,000 |
4 | Jenna Zwagil | My Daily Choice | $12,720,000 | $ 25,000,000 |
5 | Stormy Wellington | Total Life Changes | $ 12,000,000 | $ 25,000,000 |
6 | Jason Brown & Mathew Rosa | IM Master Academy | $ 9,600,000 | $ 5,000,000 |
7 | Aamir Habib & Paulo Tuynman | Omega Pro | $ 9,000,000 | $ 6,000,000 |
8 | Stefania Lo Gatto & Danien Feier | Jeunesse | $ 8,760,000 | $ 21,000,000 |
9 | Allan Badilla & Laura Castro | BE | $ 8,760,000 | $ 3,000,000 |
10 | Rolf Kipp | Forever Living Products | $ 8,400,000 | $ 100,000,000 |
11 | Bryce Thompson | IM Master Academy | $ 7,800,000 | $ 5,000,000 |
12 | Hector Larc | XIFRA | $ 7,704,000 | $ 5,000,000 |
13 | Igor Alberts & Andreea Cimbala | Success Factory | $ 7,200,000 | $ 160,000,000 |
14 | Yager Group | Amway | $ 7,200,000 | $ 460,000,000 |
15 | Nathalie Nicole Smith | Total Life Changes | $ 6,636,000 | $ 4,000,000 |
16 | Joachim Heberlein | PM International | $ 6,420,000 | $ 10,000,000 |
17 | Ana Cantera | Total Life Changes | $ 6,300,000 | $ 4,000,000 |
18 | John Haremza | Valentus | $ 6,000,000 | $ 27,000,000 |
19 | Khalid Shaath | Dubli Network – Ominto | $ 6,000,000 | $ 30,000,000 |
20 | Trin & Jirawan Vichaidith | Nu skin | $ 6,000,000 | $ 25,000,000 |
It is not an easy task to get into a list of the top 20 earners in an industry with millions of distributors. These people have displayed great dedication, commitment, and devotion to get themselves up here. People new to the industry can learn a lot from them and their experiences.
Looking for an MLM company to join? Check out our list of Top 100 MLM companies.
Top MLM Earners
Omar Salazar
Omar Salazar, 36, has worked in the network marketing industry for 14 years. A former bodybuilder, he left pumping iron at the age of 21, and a new chapter in his life began.
Omar’s father was the one who initially encouraged him and provided the first $200 to start his network. The early years were difficult, especially for a new networker with no experience in the industry. Omar refused to quit, and after a string of failures, he finally met the right individuals and with proper guidance, began his rise.
Ivan & Monika Tapia
Ivan & Monika Tapia are the power couple topping the earning charts of IM Mastery Academy. Born in Tijuana, Mexico, Ivan wanted to be a professional basketball player.
He played college basketball for Southwestern College in San Diego, California, but his career was cut short by a shoulder injury. After finishing his degree in civil engineering, Ivan began working at a small engineering firm. He lost his job during the 2008 financial crisis and was forced to move back to his home country with his wife Monika. This is when the couple started their network marketing journey, and with the help of proper mentoring and coaching, was able to make their way to the top.
Sergio Penunuri
Sergio Penunuri, a Mexican, occupies the distinguished position of Royal President of XIFRA. Given that he has only been with the organization for 21 months, this is a remarkable feat. He has over 11 years of expertise in the network marketing field.
Sergio has made ten millionaires and has a team turnover of $20 million each month, which is a new high. Coming from a traditional family with a conservative, individualistic, scared, and slow to adjust to the modern world, he has always had the freedom to make his own decisions, accepting full responsibility for the consequences.
Jenna Zwagil
Jenna Zwagil, a 34-year-old business dynamo, has risen to Millionairess rank in record time. In just three years, she went from a $9 million turnover to a $170 million turnover by reinventing her attitude and focusing on a meaningful commercial company.
Jenna worked her way up from working at a Wendy’s inside a gas station to becoming the world’s top female earner in network marketing. She is also the wife of MyDailyChoice CEO Josh Zwagil and a proud mother.
Stormy Wellington
Stormy Wellington is well-known around the world for her success in multi-level marketing and direct sales. She has utilized her riches and clout to further her mission and help thousands of women accept their true selves.
Stormy has always been a competitor, and after joining one of the industry’s most well-known network marketing businesses, she rose to the top swiftly. She established one of the largest distributor networks in the country in her first year, earning over a million dollars.
Want to achieve success like them? Checkout Top 50 Warren Buffett Quotes for Life & Success
Tips to be a Top MLM Earner
Don’t waste your time on uninterested people
Explore the potential of the internet
Find potential leads from your team
Develop quality content on social media
Make use of perfect MLM software
Learn the best Tips to Promote Products through MLM business
These are the top 20 earners in the network marketing industry. Want to see your name on this list? Make sure to follow the tips we have mentioned here and keep putting in the work. If there is one thing we can learn from the life of the top earners is that hard work and perseverance will certainly be rewarded in this industry.